[Note: This post was written and provided by Denver Water]
Beginning in late August, Denver Water’s contractor, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., will begin a project to replace the primary outlet works “trashrack” at Gross Reservoir. The trashrack is a 25-foot by 25-foot structure, built in 1951, at the bottom of Gross Reservoir that keeps trash and other debris (e.g., logs) out of the water passage at the base of the dam. While the structure is still sound, the upgrade is a regulatory requirement to comply with current design criteria that applies to all dams regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
The project is not, in any way, related to the Gross Reservoir Expansion Project, and would be conducted regardless of the expansion effort.
Because of the depth of the reservoir, and as it is not possible to drain the reservoir due to water supply needs, saturation diving will be used on this project to ensure it is completed as quickly and safely as possible. Saturation diving allows divers to live in a pressurized environment for long periods and reduces the amount of time divers spend undergoing decompression. Saturation diving work will continue 24 hours a day for an estimated 41 days, beginning September 20 and concluding November 1.
Work will include:
Removing accumulated sediment immediately around the existing trashrack structure to allow for construction access.
Underwater demolition and removal of the existing concrete columns and beams, steel beams and braces, and steel trashrack panels.
Fabrication and underwater installation of a new steel trashrack frame structure and steel trashrack panels similar to the existing structure.
Residents and recreationalists in the area can expect:
Increased traffic along Crescent Park Drive and Gross Dam Road as materials and supplies are brought to the site.
Some noise and lights from generators and boats on the water.
No public access at South Side (the lower parking lot on the south side of the dam).
The safety of our workers and neighbors is a top priority and Denver Water is committed to being a good neighbor, minimizing construction-related disruptions and being transparent in our communications. You can learn more about our good neighbor commitment at denverwater.org/goodneighbor.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to complete this critical infrastructure project. Please contact me with any questions or concerns: ashley.denault@denverwater.org or 303-634-3429. You can also check our project webpage, denverwater.org/trashrack, for project updates.