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Denver Water Outreach Event to Address Crescent Park Dr Traffic Congestion in 2022 and Beyond

Rex Geissler

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

Denver Water held an outreach event at the CCCIA hall the weekend of 10/15/21 to hear concerns regarding the Gross Dam Expansion project and traffic congestion on Crescent Park Dr beginning in 2022. Crescent Park residents were allowed to sign up for one of several time slots. The time slots were called "listening sessions" where Denver Water staff addressed concerns and complaints from residents. The Denver Water team said they would pass concerns along to senior management. 45 individuals attended between the two days which represented about 26 homes within the Crescent Park subdivision.

Jeff Martin, Denver Water Program Manager, said at its peak, there will be 500 workers, 18 large trucks, and numerous busses traveling to the worksite via Crescent Park Dr. Their goal is to use busses to transport 50% of the workforce daily. Presumably, that means there will be up to 500 worker car trips daily (250 roundtrips) through our neighborhood plus busses and trucks. It wasn't clear if the "busses" will be vans or large RTD-size busses. Additionally, a staging area with a large parking lot will be built at the southwest corner of highway 72 and highway 93. They said they want to build a new intersection at highway 72 and Gross Dam Rd in 2022 to alleviate some of the traffic, but "Boulder County won't approve the building permit".

The Denver Water team included:

Denver Water displayed the posters below. Two images were added which weren't on display at the event depicting the 72 & 93 staging area and the proposed intersection at Gross Dam Rd & Hwy 72. Click on an image, then use the right arrow to toggle through all the images:

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