MONDAY, JUNE 12, 6:30–8:30 PM
The Board of Directors for Crescent Park Land & Homeowners Association* (HOA) cordially invites you to the Annual HOA Meeting to be held at the Coal Creek Canyon Improvement Associations’ Hall.
Meeting Agenda:
6:30 PM - Meeting Called to Order
President’s Welcome
HOA Board
Treasurer’s Report
Guest Speakers
Denver Water [Progress]
Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputy Presentation ["Crime in Unincorporated JeffCo"]
United Power [Change of power provider and affect on members]
Mountain Broadband [discuss coverage, improvements and future plans]
FPA (Barbara and/or others)
The Wild Report (Rex speaking for Jan Waddington)
Old Business
CP Dumpster
Community Fire Wood Exchange
New Business
Annual Picnic
Jeff & Kathy Nicholson have agreed to host on a Saturday in the first 3 weeks of August or last 3 weeks of September.
Association Q&A
HOA Board Elections
Nominations & Elections of new Board Members
Meeting Adjournment
QUESTIONS? Contact Rex Geissler (720-480-9969)
* HOA membership is open to all Crescent Park land owners whose membership dues have been paid. Dues for renewals and new memberships, will be accepted at the door prior to the beginning of the meeting. If sent by mail, they must be received before the meeting begins to permit voting.